
عرض الرسائل ذات التصنيف Freelance

Advertising Crooks of the peaceful city -MCT

“It's like a duck on a calm lake,” he said in French. “On the surface, he looks like he is idle, but under the water, his feet are really busy.” There are many types of crooks and hustlers thriving and running their small time businesses by underhand dealings all around this peaceful city!  This article is a brief account of “Ad Crooks” whom you can possibly come across in the field of advertising freelancing (whether copy or art).

Hany Lioun Nasr...Freelance Web developer

Hany Lioun Nasr Software Developer Freelance (SQL Server, C#, and ASP.NET) Mobile: +201001545067 E-mail : hanylioun86@yahoo.com Cairo, Egypt